The Tuts – Hatchet Inn, Bristol

If you can’t be won over by a band who heckle Boris Johnson by singing “NEVER TRUST A TORY!” to him in a library then you may just have a heart of stone. Wherever The Tuts go things happen. Good things, funny things, crazy things – sometimes all at once. On this, the bands first (literal) invasion of Bristol they tried to break into the nearby O2 academy and blag their way onto the bill for the Jamie T gig. There lies an ambition and fire in them that bursts out much bigger than any library or, in tonight’s case, what feels like a living room above a pub. Which is fitting because if there’s any justice they should one day be playing Academy sized venues themselves as headliners.


The band take to the stage looking spectacular in Halloween themed costumes and as soon as singer Nadia fires up the guitar and crashes into a punky, catchy version of ‘Beverley’ we hear that full on, chaotic intent realised into one three minute pop song. What follows is a powerhouse of what sound like instant hits.’All Too Late’ flows with it’s Liberines-esque earworm melody, ‘Worry Warrior’ is both a call to arms for all the self doubters and a kick in the teeth with it’s “I though you were strong-aah” (officially the best pronunciation of the word stronger in any song ever, and no I haven’t researched it, there’s no need). At one stage a member of the audience is almost beheaded* by Nadia’s flailing guitar. Told you, things happen with these guys. ‘Loving It’ is a joyful but all too short two minutes of riffs and the only flaw tonight is that they didn’t play it twice(!).


Harriet and Bev are a rhythm section having fun, full of smiling glances and gleefully taking their chances to shout things like ‘TUT TUT TUT!” and “ALWAYS HEAR THE SAME SHIT!”, the latter song an assault of punk attitude which though it could be about a person could easily be a tirade against a stale, sexist music industry (“You’ve got no substance, its all just hype”). Closer ‘Back Up’ also has that arrogant streak, a joyful racket preaching “we’re gonna bud and blossom, spread our pollen to the people, make our sound truly ripple” over a frenetic noise and signing out with a truly Tuts-like philosophy “How do you know if you don’t have a go?”. These DIY warriors** are having more than a go and they are getting better and better all the time. Accept defeat, let The Tuts conquer your town too – it’s going to be one hell of a fun time.


*Perhaps beheaded was a bit of an exaggeration, more..


** Not these kind of DIY warriors

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