Bang (S4C) Episode 3 Review


The gun isn’t the star of the show this week. Sam’s world is falling around his shoulders as we follow the fallout following the death of his Nan. It’s a few weeks on from from our last visit to Port Talbot and the funeral has taken place. Home is not Sam’s safe place anymore and the hidden weapon isn’t the only reason. His mum is selling the house, grumpy stepdad Ray (registered trademark) is being extraordinarily grumpy and he has a worse day than normal at work.

Unsurprisingly, given that four grand has vanished, his company discover there’s lots of stock gone awol. In a tense stand off, the workers are confronted but nobody owns up and even as lockers are being searched Tom is stealing from under management noses. Now that takes balls. And sells them on for profit. Workmate Cai is caught in the crossfire (a pun, see?) as a doll is found in his locker. Not a sex one, they don’t fit. Apparently. Cai gets the boot but knows Sam is the man responsible. Responsible probably isn’t the word thinking about it. Bribery is the ex-colleagues method of retaliation. 

The police investigation elements are the less appealing thread in episode three and this time it’s played completely separately from Tom though, of course, we now full well the Hedlu will close in. Gina’s mind isn’t on the job, well not the job she’s paid for, as she’s getting her wicked way with the boss at lunchtime. Is she unintentionally sleeping her way to promotion? It would be nice to see Catrin Stewart utilised more so here’s hoping the second half of the series pushes her to the fore and not just because she’s having an affair with a potentially married man. The sibling relationship feels under explored too. 

We learn more of Stevie Rose’s family, his father Douglas in particular and it clouds the water further. There may be a link with two dodgy tattooed guys who make a habit of loitering suspiciously around buildings. It also turns out Russell survived last weeks brutal attack and apart from making eyes at Luke, gives the police no information. He might turn out to be Tom’s unlikely saviour. In the short term at least. The gore was raised a level with the bloody murder of a man named Jason Eastwood. Jason used to work for Stevie and was sacked following a confrontation. We don’t yet know the perpetrators of either the attack or murder but dodgy tattoo guys are high on the list. 

The pace is certainly the slowest of the three offerings so far and is missing the chaotic partnership of Rhys and Mel. Bang shines most when covering the bleak canvas in beauty, both visually and with words. The pay off is worth the build up as Sam and Cai team up to rob a work van in the dark of night. In a botched attempt they only escape by Sam brandishing the gun at the driver. His list of illegal activities grow as he gets darker and more desperate. How long before Gina’s is no longer the nagging sister but the arresting officer? In Cai’s words “tick tock”..  7/10

Bullet points:

  • The flashback to grumpy stepdad Ray (TM) being physically aggressive to a younger Sam explains a lot about their dynamic.
  • Sam, your Nan’s slippers might hold sentimental value but they really need binning. 
  • Cai stole a doll pissing itself and lost his job. Hands up, who’s lost a job for a stupider reason than that?

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