Liar (Episode 4 Review)


They say the truth will always find you out but Laura takes it upon herself to find Andrew’s truth herself. Earlham is a man with a charm strong enough to get away with the crime and as things stand the charge against him has been dropped. His creepiness in the fourth installment is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. While Laura is in Edinburgh tracing old footsteps, the villain of the piece is succumbing to his impulses again.

Turning up at the doorstep of Mary’s (Andrew’s ex-wife) mum is a bold step which is understandably rebuked. Laura finds more luck with Catherine, a woman who spent a night with Andrew and her experience matches. She promises to come forward to the police but unfortunately Mary’s mother calls a halt to progress and Laura goes back to square one. There looks to be more to Mary’s death and what follows strengthens those suspicions.

There’s a strong counter balance at play as the effects on the victim are shown through Laura’s interactions with a stranger at the hotel. He is polite yet flirty but her vulnerability is on full display. As she states to him “I am broken”. The assault being a form of physical and mental abuse long after the night in question. Earlham however, feels more indestructible and literally cocksure. Having walked into the office and declared himself fit for work he breaks into a house we soon learn is that of DI Harmon, spikes her drink and leaves before chillingly crawling into her house at night and well, you don’t need the words just as Liar didn’t need to give us the images. It’s not the kind of scene one would expect from a prime time drama. It’s uncomfortable and maybe the point is to take you out of the comfort zone and be shocked. Being shocked surely means the message is getting through. Earlham’s arrogance is magnified by a lawsuit sent through the post. In a doorstep confrontation we find out that his demand is for a public apology or legal action will ensue. It’s more fuel to his fire, more power to the ego and another way of chipping at Laura’s confidence.

Other than the surprising but welcome progression of Vanessa into the story not much else happened this week. With regards to the love triangle of Sam, Liam and Tom, the latter almost confesses to the affair in a drunken state. In words that will surely resonate shortly he insists on having “nothing left to lose”. His list so far is quite impressive: He’s been suspended from the force, about to break up a marriage, about to tear two sisters apart and after stealing GHB at the behest of Laura could be set to damage the chances of justice being served for good. Tom is the shaky ground everyone else is standing on. Where will the drug be planted? Where did he get it from? Did he really steal it at all? Trust no one, but then why would you trust anyone in a show called Liar? 6/10

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