Bang (S4C) Episode 7 Review


Folkestone is home to the world’s highest brick arched viaduct but it is not home to a new distribution centre for the company Sam works for. His lie that he’s suddenly transferring location is easily uncovered by a quick google search, as was that fascinating fact about Folkstone. While Gina is tracking him down with her clever cop mind, not one to let the grass grow. stepdad Ray is clearing out the house already. In reality Sam is just heading down the welsh coast on his trusty bike.

Gina finds him in a church holding a gun to his head and not because the sermon is boring but because he feels it’s the only way to free himself. Finally we see Gina’s response to Sam owning the gun. Perhaps it’s the shock of her brother about to commit suicide that means her familial instincts kick in rather than the anger expected. Not much is said between the two but we can assume she has made the connection between Sam and all the recent crimes but strangely, on screen at least, she never asks where he got the gun from. It feels a waste that there isn’t much communication between the two at this late stage of the series, especially is there is so much to talk about. Gina was already reluctant to draw Carl towards Ela’s connection with her brother and now she’s in possession of the firearm looks set to protect him at all costs. That cost could be her job and a criminal record. To be honest, she seems more preoccupied with her father’s past so that’s likely to have strong relevance to next weeks finale.

The truth is spilling out elsewhere. In a kitchen showdown we discover Ray not only knows about Sam raiding his yard but the stealing from work too. On the flip of the coin, Sam knows about Ray’s misdemeanours with ladies (who must have terrible taste in men) too. Another connection is made as we get an answer to who Patricia has been gossiping to on the phone all this time and in a twist nobody saw coming it turns out to be grumpy stepdad Ray. Madness. Don’t sit there, smugly reading this and claim you saw that coming. You are lying!

Lots is going on elsewhere too. Carl is being plagued by a mysterious caller who we soon learn is Mel and she clearly wants to use knowledge of his affair with Gina to her advantage. Wide boy Rhys is also back on the estate and with his girlfriend by his side, raids Sam’s home in a quest for the gun but they’re rudely interrupted by the hasty and welcome return of Ela. Things are left with a tense stand off (or sit off) as Sam hides upstairs.

It’s a pretty weak cliffhanger compared to what Bang has treated us to previously but judging by the quality of the show so far, we are in very good hands indeed as things heat up for the last episode. What will Gina sacrifice for her brother? Will everyone get out alive? More to the point, will we ever find out who bloody killed Stevie Rose? One thing is for certain, even though the gun is out of Sam’s hands, things are going to be explosive. 8/10

Bullet points:

  • Anyone spot the guest appearance of Alabama 3’s Rob Spragg (AKA Larry Love) as coughing villian Douglas Rose? Not content with supplying the music he also gets a bit of screen time too.
  • Is it wrong to hope that Sam shoots grumpy Ray in the head?
  • Rhys is obviously a wrong ‘un because when it comes to pizza toppings his first thought was pineapple.

TV Review: Thirteen, Episode 3 (BBC3)


There is a very different feel to proceedings as we enter the half way stage in this glorious web of intrigue. However, it is a shame that the cliffhanger ending from last week now feels a bit soapy and redundant, resolved as it was within a minute. It turns out the perpetrator dragging Ivy away was the father of missing girl Phoebe, hellbent on answers from our protagonist. Luckily, little ‘sis Emma rushes out and the family follow. We now know that Phoebe is not Ivy’s child but naturally, as soon as we get one answer more questions follow.

The vibe is less dark drama and more a dysfunctional episode of Family Affairs. Here, everything including the kitchen sink is thrown into unsettling the domestic set up further. While Ivy and Emma are finally bonding again, Craig is taking exception to the disruption it’s causing his relationship. His nice guy persona decreases throughout as mild agitation becomes ultimatums and glimpses of aggression. Things truly spiral when the truth of Angus’ affair surface. It sends Ivy into a rage, the first time ever we see her break. He leaves with his tail (or a much ruder word) between his legs. Yet another man in her life is causing problems too, as gormless Tim’s attempts of reconciliation are rebuffed and his pictures torn down in the bedroom.

The Mark White storyline may seem like it’s taking a back seat to all the familial unrest but, perhaps purposefully his influence is always lurking. He sends a letter under the pseudonym of Leonard to the Moxam’s house that’s addressed to ‘Alison’, the name he called her in captivity. It reads “I know you didn’t leave me, I know you’ll be back” and his sinister boot print is stamped on the hour. As for good cop and bad cop, between withering looks of hate and bedroom escapades they still have time to discover Mr White has a half brother, Dylan whose prints were also at the red doored house. Sadly, as a team their pairing has all the unity of Madonna and Guy Ritchie, their different methods hindering the case big time. Perhaps this is why you should never mix a difficult kidnapping case with pleasure. That old saying, eh?

While episode three may have lacked the surprise and drive shown so far it feels like events are building up to some very big things indeed.  The slight dip in quality ends on the tantalising caveat: “I should never have left him. All I want is not to be alone any more.” With this, we are caught up in the web once again. 8/10



– That chair really could have been pushed that yard rather than lifted. Integral plot hole there.

– Who does Mr headmaster man want to make it up to? Ivy? Christina?

– Is Craig showing unhealthy signs of control brimming to the surface? “You’re my girl” sounded very pointed.

– Did Ivy spot as such when talking about the photos of him and Emma together?

– Unsurprsingly, Ivy’s views on sex are conflicted. She seemed surprised when Emma declared she liked it and went off Elliott almost immediately when clocking that he had been sleeping with Merchant. It must be said, the moment Merchant tucked her clothes in at the crime scene was a tad silly.

– Tim really doesn’t seemed very arsed that his wife is pissed off. Is he preoccupied by love for Ivy or guilt? And for what?

– Eloise flitters between shifty and naive. We aren’t much closer to learning her big secret. What we have discovered is that she makes for an annoying flatmate.

– Who is in the bag?  All signals point to Dylan. Or worse – a load of rotten potatoes?



– It seems increasingly likely that Ivy left of her own free will. What made her take that leap? Was it because Mark killed Dylan and then feared for her own life? Mark also offered forgiveness in his letter, did they have a massive falling out?

– When Ivy previously said “This was ours” was she referring to Dylan? Was he also a captive?

– On a bigger scale, there is a possibilty that Ivy killed Mark’s half brother.