Since the official announcement of Sunday’s announcement – which had already been unofficially announced a few hours previously, twitter has been in meltdown over who will be unveiled as the next doctor on Sunday night at 7pm. Now, to clarify. I am not a ‘Whovian’, I’ve never dressed up and gone to conventions. To be frank, I don’t know my Skullion from my elbow. I only properly started watching the show since Matt Smith took over in 2009. The fact that I fell in love with Amy Pond might have had something to do with it, not to mention Steven Moffat’s promotion to show runner. When it’s great it can be be spectacular ( ‘Blink’, ‘The Eleventh Hour,’ ‘The Snowmen’) but when it’s not at it’s best it can be pretty boring. Somehow though I’ve got trapped in the Tardis and started to care about it, about whether Amy and Rory would stay together or if River Song ever gets hold of some hair straighteners (Spoilers). So, here is my list of who I think should play the Timelord because I do have a lot of power at the BBC. Naturally.


Having played a 500 year old vampire, a 900 year old time traveller is the next logical step. Not only did he win everyone over in spectacular style as Hal in Being Human with his first job in TV, he also did it under the pressure of replacing Aidan Turner who was much loved in the fanbase. This is exactly what the next doctor will have to achieve when taking over from Smith.

Hal was kind, nasty, scared, sketchy, smug, arrogant, in control, out of control and all usually within the same episode. A trait of the doctor is not to be one dimensional. But then sometimes in life it’s about who you know too. He knows Mark Gatiss, though to be fair the audition in the cafe didn’t go too well (ho ho). Being Human creator Toby Whithouse also writes for Doctor Who. He’s young, emerging and not that widely known just like Tennant and Smith when they got the role. Virtually everything about it is the right fit and profile and that’s exactly the reason why he won’t get it.

Cons?: The BBC might want to move away from young Doctor’s with an annoyingly good set of hair

– Would Damien even want it so early in his career? All the pressure and promotional duties it would entail. He’s been brilliant with us Being Human bloggers but this is MUCH more than a step up in profile.

– He is in series 2 of Ripper Street, Will he be in series 3?


The definition of rising star. Having first appeared on our screens in 2010, Alexandra has quickly made a name for herself. From naive Helene in comedy Hunderby to a young, ambitious Margeret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. She also has an upcoming role in Nick Frost’s film Cuban Fury. I could see Alexandra playing a sassy and mouthy doctor. In the best possible way. Plus, I fancy the heck out of her but that’s not very constructive is it?

Quite how the subject of a female doctor elicits such hate is a mystery to me. one of the main arguments I’ve heard is that it’s messing with 50 years of story and plotline. They have seen Doctor Who, right? A show with plot holes as big as a galaxy and where you can save the world in the last minute by waggling about a glorified electric toothbrush. That’s the nature of sci- fi. There are no rules.

Cons?: She is very much in demand in both TV and film, one of which is a second series of Utopia but it’s unclear when filming begins.


There’s intense then there’s Jim Moriarty. He will forever be a favourite in geek town for his unstable performance as Sherlock’s nemesis. He has a long  and varied CV and I could see him playing quite a distinguished Doctor. Albeit one with “issues”. Hey, don’t they all? Also, let us not forget the obvious Moffat / Gatiss connection.

Cons?: Um. I’ll get  back to you on that one.


First things first, Yes, she has been in Twilight but let us not not judge her for that alone. She’s also been in Kill List and Ripper Street and has a screen presence that would do justice to the role. Her doctor could be quite domineering and intelligent. And not a sap. This would REALLY work.

Cons?: Other that other recording commitments, none are leaping out.


A bit geeky, a bit dry, a bit sarcastic and very intelligent. It would work. Stop picturing Moss. That wouldn’t work AT ALL.

Cons?: It seems highly unlikely he’d want the job

– It would completely take away his time from directing films as awesome as Submarine.



The perennial bit part man gets the biggest role in British TV? It’s never gonna happen but imagine it. Zany, weird, creepy, shouty, sinister. Kevin has done them all and would incorporate it all into one big mish mash of a doctor.

Cons?: I think “It’s never gonna happen” covered it.


A man who could replace the boiler suits of Misfits for a tweed jacket. He played multi personality Rudy and though he hasn’t impressed all the Nathan mourners it was him who kept series 4 going and watchable. It would be a good fit. The role. Not the jacket.

Cons?: Prime TV means he won’t be able to swear!


As Cutler in series 4 of Being Human he defied his age of 21 and played the role of  a man that was evil and conflicted. Best of all, we never really could work Cutler out or knew his intentions or motivations until the very end and that was all down to Andrew. Playing old beyond your years is a good trait for the doctor.

He’s had small roles in Monroe, Misfits, The White Queen and definitely fits into the future star category.

Cons?: At 24, is he that little bit too young?


Much as I love Lenora, and she’s doing a string of varying roles ( she was spectacular in Black Mirror) I’m not sure if I can picture her controlling the Tardis for some reason. But she’s on the list because she’s awesome so this is basically just going to descend into a list of people I love isn’t it? I better stop.

Cons?: Lenora doesn’t have such a thing.



I said STOP IT! Although.. she has appeared in a couple of films, and this picture is basically Matt pointing at Kate saying “You are number 12” isn’t it? No? Think about it – a kick ass feminist doctor.

Cons?: She would have less time for recording music and touring and that’s a very bad thing.