

So, for the first time we have an all new trinity and to pay them all the biggest compliment – it didn’t feel weird that they were still at Honolulu Heights and Annie wasn’t around. Where series 4 thrived off the resident ghost not fitting in with her new housemates this all felt so natural. The dialogue standing out with hilarious one liners and the main cast complimenting (most of the time not literally) each other perfectly. Damien got to let loose with his dry comic delivery, this time as both evil and good Hal. Kate Bracken is the true revelation in her first full episode, veering between pissed off, sarcastic and emotional. It’s a pity that Tom is underused and it’s a worry that he might not get a meaty story line (pun intended). There are only so many werewolf transformations you can show so the peril and danger maybe needs to come from another source. There is a noticeable mid episode lull which is forgivable as it’s forming the arcs of the series.


The flashbacks to 1918 may not have entirely worked due posh wizardry and forced sexual chemistry but the pay off made it worthwhile as they summoned the Devil through the body of a “local madman”. It tied the two threads together and revealed the ‘big bad’ of this series early.. At first it was a surprise that Hatch was revealed as the Devil weeks ago but it makes total sense to say so in the opener rather than have five episodes of an exaggerated build up. It’s almost as if Toby Whithouse is a pro at this kind of thing..


In a move that puts to rest once and for all (or does it/yes it does/maybe/of course it does) the standing of the Old Ones, Hettie tells the whereabouts of Lord Harry in exchange for a retirement playschool in Bolivia, presumably with access to all the My Little Ponies and sugary sweets Bolivian currency (whatever that is) can buy. It was a nice and very needed touch that bridged the gap and moved the story along.


It is perhaps initially disappointing that after a year long wait to find more about the Men In Grey that we discover that they are a government department – albeit not for long. The scene where Dominic, as we now know him, meets Hal draws a brilliant similarity to the café scene with Mr Snow, both in style and set up. Hal is again being asked to take charge of the vampires but with a seemingly different outcome in mind. Speaking of similarities, Rook can be viewed in the same light as Kemp from series 2. Both are men of God, brandishing the cross with a commitment to ‘the greater good’ but both men it seems will go to any lengths to banish evil and judging by the pen incident, Rook will go further. The closing down of his organisation will only set him on a mission and to hell with the consequences. Literally? He might have competition though in the form of Alex. Last time out it was unclear if he could see the spirit of our new Casper in the cellar and the roles were masterfully reversed as Alex stared him down and whispered in his ear “ You Stole my death, one day I’m gonna watch you die”. Rook is going to be a brilliant force to be reckoned with this series.



Now, most people when faced with bad customer service will moan under their breath or run way without paying. Not Captain Hatch that’s for sure. Considering there wasn’t much airtime for him it really didn’t take long for Phil Davis to turn on the nasty. The final few scenes were an intense treat, culminating in the, let’s face it, assisted suicide of a hotel employee.



– Yes Patsy,  Hal is a rather good looking chap but have some dignity!

– For that matter, why on earth did Patsy give Tom a job too?

– Alex and Tom breaking into the archives is all very well but where were the alarms or security at such a top secret place?

– Crumbs’ introductory scenes fell into the same trap as a lot of series 4 guest characters. Too overacted and broad and done with the subtlety of a children’s TV show. Once he turned dark side he showed a good amount of menace that hopefully we will see much more of.


– If Mitchell had accepted the Old One’s initial offer to go to South America would he technically be babysitting Hettie now?

– Can Toby Whithouse be in it every week please?

– Where has Alan, Rooks’ assistant from last series disappeared to? Have the home Secretaries cuts taken effect already?

-How come the Men In Grey weren’t aware of Hal? Especially considering they covered up Tom’s nightclub transformation. Not very deft gentleman. Not very deft.

– Was that Crumbs natural run or had he peed himself? It’d be less of a worry if it was the latter.

– What’s worse? Being bummed by Hal or being turned into a vampire by him? Answers on a postcard.

– Alex likes to say the word ‘fucking’ a lot doesn’t she? Not complaining though.

– Will Hal get his soul and reflection back? If he does, will that put a stop to him having dodgy facial hair?

-Let’s not forget, CENSA believed that werewolves were imbued by the Devil as well so will Tom lose his attack of the monthlies?

– What exactly did Captain Hatch whisper to Sophie? Did he threaten to bum her? No Wonder the poor girl topped herself.


An impressive series opener which cues up the potential of THREE, yes THREE threats to the survival of our favourite Barry Island supernaturals.  8/10


  1. Hi Mikey,

    Re Rook, what makes you think that Rook is a man of God? Can’t agree on the basis from what I’ve seen. Yes, the MiG use crosses but that is merely to shoo the vampires into cooperation (Crumb in custody of the Mig). Or is it the calling to do the job? Unless you know more than us … And Kemp didn’t shy away from a murder or two/plenty despite being a man of god.

    Hetty, well she isn’t the last Old One, is she? Regus accompanied by Michaela are still out there I guess.

    I really liked the lady catherine story! Hal and LC must have had a history together hence lighting up the two ciggies. Loved to have seen more of her.
    Wasn’t too keen on the wizardry/ magic stuff.

    And I have questions too: how did the trinity know where Crumb worked? Was it in his wallet too? (Nosy Parkers!)
    Why was there a noose in the cellar? Hal tied Crumb with it to the radiator.

    And what is wrong with building a infrared sauna in the cellar? Can be done!
    I’ll stop ranting now,

    • yekimmikey says:

      I think rook is comparable to Rook in the sense I believe that he has good in mind but like Kemp will kill for it. I’m not 100% convinced he’s totally religious but this episode gives hints at it.

      And I’m in agreement, I’m not sure that Hettie and Hal are the last of the old ones but it’s what Rook believes and for the sake of this series i feel we’re going to have to believe it because it’s not on the agenda.

      I think we can assume that they got his workplace from a card in his wallet. Hal got the noose from his pocket I think

      • Gempire says:

        I followed your link from the blog, you got a good review here.

        I think Rook and Kemp are comparable in that they both have good in mind but will kill for it, however i think any religious leanings that Rook has have developed due to his experience with the supernatural world. The crosses the MiG use look a lot like police trunchens than something you’d find in a church. Kemp on the other hand was religeous before he knew about the supernatural world and saw everything as clear cut black and white. The supernatural creatures were evil and had to be eradicated at all costs. He never would have brokered the deal that Rook did with Hetty.

        I was wondering about why the MiG didn’t know about Hal, but given that he found Hal so quickly I’ve assumed that they knew of Hal’s presence in Barry, they just didn’t know he was such a big player in the vamp world. He doesn’t tend to advertise his Old Ones credentials unless it’s necessary so it’s possible they missed him, especially since he was living blood free for so many years.

        This is my theory about the mystery of the MiG. I think, after the sad news revealed yesterday :'(, that the MiG were meant to be a mystery throughout S5 and gradually we would have learned they were something as mundane as a Government agency, then Lord Toby got the news the S5 was to be the last and so he had to pull out the big gun he’d been saving for the last series, the Devil himself, and went down that route, although he had to include the MiG since they were teased in the finale of S4. I’ve got no truth to base that on, it’s just what I think. I like to think that the MiG being disbanded by the Home Secutary due to cuts was a passive agressive dig 😉

        As for the noose, I think Hal picked it up off the floor, the gag was in his pocket. I’ve been trying to think why the noose would be there but I can’t recall any storyline that would put it there.

        Crumb would be the type of person to have his workplace listed in his wallet, even if his company didn’t have a business card to speak of. He’s just that type of person.

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